Friday, August 8, 2014

I've been off. I'm backkk!

I've kind of forgotten about the blog but y'know, I was looking at a blog and amunetzaj popped into my head. xD. SO. HI. 
If some of you don't know, OTTERS are coming to Jamaa!

YAY! I love otters, they're great animals. Too bad they'll probably be diamond animals. :/ I like the spikes and stuff in the diamond shop, but why do all the animals have to be in the diamond shop? Some of us don't have the diamonds for them. I had to BUY diamonds for my arctic wolf. And for my eagle. I wanted a hyena! But hopefully like I believe others were, these will be 1,000 gems on the first day they come out! I doubt it though. x3.
Otters are so cute. 

I love this action. Not sure what it is, but most likely "play." 


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hurray, and Boo.

Yo guys. Guess what day it is..............
Turns out, hyenas are diamond animals. LOL.

But there are COOL new updates.

wi got nu pet gerafs

Guess what else?

crystal den ooooo sparkly

Here's the entrance. I don't feel like giving a tour. IT'S TOO BIG LOL.


The boo part is because
my birthday


Friday, May 23, 2014

Hyenas + Party Hat Value!

Hey guys! Today is FRIDAY, which means HYENAS are coming soon. Hurray!
I can't wait. They're most likely going to be a member gem animal. I would love to use them
for clanning, rather than wolves. They look more as dogs, but are more like cats.

Anyway, people have been asking me.
What's a New Year's Party Hat worth?
Rare Party Hats would normally be worth more than rare bow and arrows. But I believe you can get them in the new adventure.
The red party hat is the rarest.

Red: 2 Giant lion plushies, another party hat, and maybe a BETA.
Orange: Black bow and arrows. (Rare)
Yellow: Freedom Helmet
Green: Rare Rhino Helmet and Rare Mech Helm.
Blue: Freedom Wings
Purple: Another party hat and maybe a small BETA.
Pink: Rare Bow, and a small BETA.
White: Rare Giant Lion Plush and Rare Bow and Arrows.

ALL CREDIT GOES TO: MeiAn's Blog for this list!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Why, AJHQ?

Hey guys! It's Amunet, or Skriiim here. I'm really happy. I just can't wait to get a hyena.
Okay, so I wanted to talk to you about the new adventure.
The Forgotten Desert one. I honestly am not a fan of it.
The people with rare spiked collars are most likely
pissed off at AJHQ. You can get almost ANYTHING in
adventures now. Including worn blankets, SPIKES,
and many other rares. The rare items are most in the Forgotten Desert,
and I'm not surprised. AJHQ has been releasing all the betas and rares.
He even released the beta lawn fountains and stuff.
I mean, come on. This is stupid. Everyone who had these feel dumb because they
were brought back. I feel bad for those people- Same with when the top hats came back in Canyons Pathway.

Why the hell? Rares in new adventures and shit like that? Are you serious?
This is a new blog. Please tell your friends about it! Thank you. <3

~Amunet AJ~